
2024-04-25 09:10:04 投稿人 : im 围观 : 221 次 0 评论





  1. Good morning/afternoon, everyone.

  2. Its a pleasure to meet you.

  3. Im looking forward to working with you.

  4. Thank you for the opportunity to meet.

  5. Would you like some coffee or tea?


  6. I would like to call the meeting to order.

  7. Lets start with the agenda.

  8. I propose that we discuss the next item.

  9. Can you elaborate on that point?

  10. I have a few questions regarding the proposal.


  11. Im here to negotiate a new contract.

  12. We need to reach a mutually acceptable agreement.

  13. Im willing to compromise on some points.

  14. Im not authorized to make that decision.

  15. Lets take a break and reconvene later.


  16. I am writing to inquire about your products.

  17. Please find attached a copy of our proposal.

  18. We regret to inform you that your order cannot be processed.

  19. We would like to request a refund for the defective goods.

  20. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.


  21. Thank you for calling.

  22. May I speak to Mr./Ms. Smith, please?

  23. Could you please hold for a moment?

  24. Ill transfer you to the appropriate department.

  25. Please leave a message after the tone.


  26. Whats the latest update on the project?

  27. Can you send me a copy of the report?

  28. I have a meeting scheduled for this afternoon.

  29. Im working on a presentation for tomorrow.

  30. Do you have any questions for me?


  31. Can you clarify that point?

  32. Could you provide some examples?

  33. I would like to request your approval on this matter.

  34. Could you please give me a deadline for this task?

  35. Do you have any recommendations for this project?


  36. I agree with that point.

  37. I have some concerns about the proposal.

  38. I appreciate your feedback.

  39. Ill take your suggestions into consideration.

  40. I think we should explore other options.


  41. Well done on that presentation.

  42. Thank you for your hard work.

  43. I appreciate your support on this project.

  44. Your team did an excellent job.

  45. Im grateful for your assistance.


  46. Im afraid I cant assist you with that.

  47. I apologize, but thats not possible.

  48. Well have to decline your offer.

  49. Im unable to accept that proposal.

  50. I appreciate your request, but Im not comfortable with it.


  51. I think weve covered everything.

  52. Thank you for your time.

  53. Lets touch base again next week.

  54. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

  55. I wish you a successful day.


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